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Available: Jul 8, 2024.

I'm actively looking for contracts and full-time full stack web development work using most combinations of Python, Javascript, HTML, & CSS.

Email hi@joshuablount.com so we can talk about how I can help!


I've got a broad range of experience using Python and Javascript on the server and building interfaces using a variety of front-end frameworks and non-framework HTML / CSS (and Javascript! Again!).

After spending a few years building a video production business followed by a few years of full-time house-husband / stay-at-home-dad I'm looking for roles that could take advantage of my 15 years of experience building websites and applications that will have opportunities for me to continue that practice.


A few tools I love to use:

Those are my favorites but over the years I've helped build good websites and applications with Rails, Wordpress, React, Vue, and even Squarespace - you should email me so we can talk about bulding your project.